Sunday, January 22, 2017

How to be a Working Mom and Run Your Household Smoothly

People have been asking me how I can possibly have time to work, workout, be a mother, wife, eat healthy, among other things.

Prior to having kids I was always a planner, organized and followed a routine.  This is something that I wanted to continue once I had kids.  For me, being organized and having a plan helps me get everything completed in a day, week or month that I would like to accomplish.

Once I had kids it was very important for me to not lose this part of myself.  I implemented a plan of attack to make sure I was able to do everything that I wanted to do in order to make our lives run smooth.

I have created a few weekly “non negotiable’s” that will help to make your household run smoothly also.

1. Implement a cleaning schedule

I implemented a cleaning schedule during the week because I did not want to spend my entire weekend cleaning.

This requires me to clean a little bit everyday, but my house stays clean and I do not spend hours at a time getting it clean.

Every Morning- empty the dishwasher
Every Night- Run the dishwasher, Do a Load of Laundry, Clean the Kitchen, Clean common areas

Monday- Bathrooms
Tuesday- Bedrooms, Refrigerator
Wednesday- Mop, Dust
Thursday- Vacuum,
Friday-  Monthly Cleaning Duty

Monthly Cleaning Duties
·      Walls and Doors
·      Baseboards

2. Have a schedule for the family

With various commitments that my husband and I have we had to figure out a way to schedule our daily lives so we would be on the same page.

For me, this was not a problem at all.  Prior to having children I would always let my husband know what I would be doing ahead of time.  However, my husband is a lot different.  He would always let me know what he would be doing about the day or even an hour prior.

Obviously, something had to change because this would not continue to work if we both had something planned on the same day with two infants at home. 

The biggest issue that my husband had with this was that he did not want to have to ask me for “permission” to go somewhere.  Keep in mind, that my husband and I have been together for twelve years, so him telling me an hour before he went somewhere was never a problem.  I was basically asking him to break a twelve year habit overnight.

After debating, we compromised on a family calendar that we can update from our cellphone.  It is basically first come first serve.  If you have plans on “x” date and it is open on the calendar, then the other person is responsible for the kiddos on that day. 

So far, this method has been working out for us.  We make exceptions to the rule as needed.

3. Routine

One of the best pieces of advice that I have received is that babies love routine.  I have been using this advice with the babies and also with our daily lives.

Having a routine has helped us because we are always on the same page as to what needs to be done on any day or night.  We make changes in the routine as we see fit.

Our babies have adapted to the routine very easily, even though they are only 7 months old.  The babies are used to having their sleep, eat, play and bath schedule a certain way.

The routine also makes it a lot easier to prepare any babysitter with what to expect while watching our kids.

4.  Meal Prepping

I struggled with eating as healthy as I would like after having the babies, because it was way easier to just grab food on the go instead of cooking at home.  In addition, a lot of times I would forget to eat and by the time I realized this, I was STARVING, so I made bad choices.

We have implemented meal prepping and it has seriously been the best thing that we could have done.

Now I do not have a chance to make bad choices because my food for the week is already planned and prepped.

We do our meal planning and prepping on Sundays and it has helped us stick to our goals and has also helped save time for us during the week.

5.  Organization

I cannot stress enough, how much being organized has helped me run my household smoothly.

Having everything organized saves us a lot of time in the mornings and at night when we are trying to get the babies ready for bed, feed them dinner and everything else.

Eventually everything begins to become just part of the daily schedule and it can all be completed with minimal effort.  The daily schedule allows me to spend more quality time with my family because everything is already planned out.

Please comment below about best practices you use to run your house smoothly

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's More than Vanity

Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you  –Unknown

This quote has applied to my life in so many ways.  I use it all the time when I need to be motivated to do something that I know will be a challenge.

For about the past 2 months or so I have been lacking the motivation to eat healthy and exercise.  I recently decided that I could no longer continue down this path.

In the beginning when I tried to lose weight after having my twins, the weight fell right off and within three months I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  This took very little effort on my part.  I did not implement a very healthy diet and I had not begun an exercise regimen.  I owe my initial post partum weight loss to nursing.  I thought to myself this is fantastic, all I have to do is nurse my babies and I’ll keep losing the weight.  Well…. it has not been working out that way, eventually the scale slowly started creeping back up and I knew that I had to do something before things got out of hand.

During the time I have been in the “rut” of not losing weight I caught myself saying “I wish there was a wedding, or some sort of an event to motivate me to lose weight.”  At this moment, I knew that it was time to do something.  I could no longer just want to lose weight to look a certain way.  I could no longer just want to lose weight to show people that I am still fit and haven’t “lost” it.  I had to lose the weight for ME.

I knew that this weight loss journey had to be bigger than just vanity; it had to be way more than that for this to be successful.  I began to reflect and think about why I truly wanted to lose weight to get focused.

1. My Health

I wanted to make sure I am healthy not only for myself, but also for my husband and my twins.  My husband counts on me to be his helpmate and my twins count on me to be there for them.  I realized that if I am unhealthy, I would not be able to meet the expectations of the three people that depend on me.  I could not let them down, I had to get focused and stay focused. 

2. Role Model for my Daughter

Growing up I would always hear the women around me discussing how they wanted to lose weight, looked fat or saying something did not fit right because of what they believed to be a flaw on their body. 

I want my daughter to grow up to have a positive body image.   I can’t help and guide my daughter to have a healthy body image if I am constantly criticizing mine.

3. It Is Not Just About Me Anymore

I am a mother of 7-month-old twins.  This is my biggest responsibility and if I can’t get healthy for them, then I will never get healthy.  This is a harsh reality that I had to face.   I have been struggling with “yo-yo” dieting for years.  I get to a number on a scale that I think is a little to high and then I decide to diet and exercise like crazy to get back into shape. The realization that if I can’t get healthy for my children I will not get healthy was a huge wake up call to me.   If they could not get me motivated, nothing would. This is exactly what I needed to get me motivated to take control of my health and fitness again. 

4.  I Never Wanted To Feel This Way Again

Since I became pregnant, my body has changed a lot.  Since I have given birth to my twins my body has changed a lot.  Needless to say, my body has gone through A LOT over the past 16 months.  There have been times post partum that I have looked in the mirror and not liked what was physically looking back at me.  At that moment I decided that I never wanted to feel like that again, so I changed.


7 months pregnant with twins

5.  Taking Care of Myself First

I have quickly learned that it is very easy to get lost in taking care of everyone else around me and spending very little time taking care of myself and my needs.

My struggle has been with everything going on around me, how will I possibly find time to workout and do the things that I need to do that makes me feel great.

I am a firm believer that I can do anything that I put my mind to.  So, I had to find time to workout and meal prep. 

If you know me, you know that I am in love with sleep.  Sleep is seriously a hobby for me.  I knew that I was going to have to give up one of the things I love so much, so I can become the woman that I want to be for my family.

6 weeks postpartum

I hope you enjoy watching my transformation and I hope it inspires other women to believe that can also do anything that they put their mind to also.


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